IBAC annual report
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC)
Coordinate the 2021 IBAC annual report, including project management, writing and editing.
IBAC is Victoria's agency responsible for preventing and exposing public sector corruption and police misconduct.
Red Pony successfully tendered to manage the development and production of the IBAC annual report for the next 3 years.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the entire 2021 project had to be conducted remotely, so one of the first steps was to establish a schedule of regular WIP meetings with the IBAC project team.
Victorian Government annual reports are required to adhere to structure provided by the Department of Treasury and Finance in the form of a model report. Red Pony mapped the content from previous reports to this structure, then assigned a responsible content owner within IBAC for each section.
A custom Microsoft Word template was created to enable each content owner to populate the document with the relevant information. Where practical and relevant, content from previous reports was included in the document for reference, including tables, charts and infographics to be updated with current data.
Given the nature of IBAC’s work, some content had to be reviewed by IBAC’s legal team prior to publication. Red Pony coordinated this process and made sure changes were incorporated into the current draft of the report.
Once all initial content had been provided, Red Pony then undertook a copyedit of the entire document which was then provided to the designer in a full formatted and styled Word document for layout.
All changes from the subsequent executive review process were managed to ensure both an accessible Word version and the print-ready design document could be maintained.
The final report was tabled in the Victorian Parliament in October 2021.